Snack Time

Every day in Reception year we have snack time. The children have a choice of varied fruit and vegetables; carrots, tomatoes, baby cucumber, apples, pears, oranges. This does vary throughout the year and sometimes the children have sugar snap peas and also strawberries. It is a social time for the children where they also have a drink of water (supplied in water bottles provided by the school) and also milk. The children are encouraged to use their good manners by saying please, thank you and no thank you. During this time we discuss the need for healthy eating, the need for exercise and also good hygiene. Fruit and water is available to the children throughout their learning times. Water bottles are sent home on a Friday to be cleaned, the children are encouraged to fill these independently. Water bottles need to be returned on a Monday morning. Please do not send squash, juice or fizzy drinks in with your child. Your child has a choice of water or squash at lunch times.

Can your child tell you why they need to wash their hands before eating? What is their favourite fruit or vegetable?


Funky Fingers

The children have started doing funky fingers every day of the week. The aim of funky fingers is to develop your child’s fine motor skills which in turn aids their writing and also them handling writing media and other media such as paint brushes, scissors etc. The funky finger activities the children get involved in are things like; bead threading, moving pom poms with tweezers, putting pegs into peg boards etc. Which has been your child’s favourite funky finger activity so far?


Welcome back

We look forward to welcoming you through our doors on Wednesday 5th September! We hope you are looking forward to a year of exciting learning. We have so much in store, keep your eyes on our blog to keep updated.

Please remember to bring in your book bags, water bottles and coats on Wednesday just in case!